1. Napredne digitalne tehnologije: 4pdih.com/2023/03/24/predavanja-napredne-digitalne-tehnologije/:
Nina Cvar and Jure Trilar, in cooperation with the Ministry for Digital Transformation, held a series of three lectures on Advanced Digital Technologies. The response was overwhelming with 327 participants from 17 ministries and government departments.

2. 4PDIH Workshops: How to make your business more competitive through digitalisation? 4pdih.com/2023/06/07/delavnice-za-mala-in-srednja-velika-podjetja-kako-z-digitalizacijo-povecati-konkurencnost-vasega-podjetja/:
On 06.06.2023, we organised an online workshop for SMEs with a programme covering the 3 pillars of digital transformation:
i. The meaning and terms and tools of digitalization, with an introductory presentation of the 4PDIH, including the European projects it links to
ii. Approaches to designing the digital transformation of a company (presentation of methodologies, practical examples and good practices)
iii Presentation of grant opportunities for digital transformation
The workshop held was a methodological follow-up to the workshops carried out in June 2022 by M.Sc. Jurij Verhovnik, also in the framework of the 4PDIH, and attracted 66 participants.

 3. 4pdih.com/2023/05/26/4pdih-organiziral-srecanje-slovenskih-edih-predstavnikov-evropske-komisije-ter-ministrstva-za-digitalno-preobrazbo/: Meeting of Slovenian EDIHs, representatives of the European Commission and the Ministry for Digital Transformation
4PDIH, University of Ljubljana’s EDIH, had the special opportunity to organise the Slovenian European Digital Hubs meeting on 25 May 2023, on the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation.
The presentation of the achievements and activities of the individual Slovenian EDIHs, 4PDIH, SRC-EDIH and DIGI-SI, as well as the discussion on innovation and financial support to the private and other sectors in the field of digitisation in Slovenia were also listened with interest by the representatives of the European Commission, Mrs.. Lucilla Sioli, Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, DG CNECT, and Ms Nathalie Vandystadt, Inter-institutional Relations Coordinator