BSC Kranj, Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska, held a Stakeholder group meeting on 21th June 2017. Twelve stakeholders (representatives of museums, municipalities, Association of historical cities of Slovenia, Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska and private entity with experience in digitization and new technologies – NEXTO) were presented the content of the 2nd thematic seminar Digitization in Museums and Galleries held in Italy, Florence, in May 2017. We reviewed the best practices presented in Florence and agreed they are impressive examples of using the very latest technologies for heritage digitalization.

At the meeting, we also discussed the programme of the upcoming thematic seminar Digitization of intangible cultural heritage, which we are hosting in Slovenia between 17th and 19th October 2017. The seminar will be held in Gorenjska region, in the town of Škofja Loka, a birthplace of The Škofja Loka passion play, which is the oldest play in Slovenian language and the first unit to be entered in the Slovenian intangible cultural heritage register. At the end of 2016 it was also inscribed on the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and we consider it appropriate to honour this inscription with hosting the seminar on intangible heritage digitization right in the cradle of this living masterpiece of national importance. The play is the largest open-air theatre production in Slovenia and is performed every six years, next in 2021. We truly hope we can give CD-ETA project partners and stakeholders at least a sense of it when they come to visit us in October this year. 

The stakeholders at the meeting were also invited to sign up for the CD-ETA newsletter. Together, we overviewed the project timeline and the upcoming seminars and discussed the preparation of the action plan, based on the exchanges and agreements reached between partners in the latest meeting in Florence. The representative of NEXTO platform presented us their latest mobile product of interactive stories, something we tend to apply in the region also with regard to digitalization of the Škofja Loka passion play.