The Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta offered some virtual visits to the natural and cultural heritage. Several museus, natural routes,... are freely available.

The Riberana website has included some online free available elements of the natural and cultural heritage of the region. Universal access to museums (Museu Valencia de la Festa, Algemesí, UNESCO heritage; MUMA, alzira), natural areas, and routes through the cultural heritage.

The number of online visits when the museums where physically closed where three times more than usually (museums de la Festa, This exceptional situation avoid any kind of outdoors activity but cultural options where promoted by MANRA.

This new virtual visits were launched during the COVID-19 outbreak and it helps the population to discover the region heritage although the mobility restrictions. Some extra information is included in the application, in addition of the 360 images and videos composing the routes. 

The elements are available in Spanish, English and Valencian. Thanks to the participation of MANRA as a partner in the Interreg CD-ETA project, several heritage objects have been digitalised and open-free for its cultural use (license right free Creative Commons 4.0).


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