Following the evaluation of the state of the Portuguese CENTRO Region in the area of ​​sustainable mobility and use of ICT in the transport sector, the University of Aveiro (UA) CISMOB's team selected a set of potential good practices learned during the interregional cooperation process to be supported by the 2020 operational program CENTRO 2020.

The objective of this survey is to achieve a more detailed picture of the relevance attributed to the suggested measures by CISMOB regional stakeholders.

The survey is divided into 5 topics:

- intelligent, connected and automated mobility;
- integrated management of intercity corridors;
- ICT - electric mobility;
- ICT - public transport;
- and assistive technology,

involving a total of 10 potential measures.

All Portuguese stakeholders are kindly invited to share they perspectives and ideas on how to improve of the Operational Programme CENTRO 2020 through this link:,  by September 15 2017.