On 26 February the CISMOB partners met in Badajoz for the first meeting of the second phase, bringing together all 6 partners including the new partner Bucharest - Ilfov Inter Community Development Association for Public Transport which joined on 1 April 2018, hosted by Agenex.

5th Working group meeting

Initially, the implementation of the action plans was discussed.   The primary objective of promoting ICT in the transport sector is being achieved in all regions.  Here are some highlights of each region:
Through a pilot action, passengers of 8 urban and one inter-urban line in Centro Region - Portugal will benefit and evaluate different ways of providing real-time information to public transport.  Inspired by a project in Stockholm, public bicycles in the municipality of Agueda will be equipped with environmental sensors to improve the identification of critical problems in the city. A trip planner called “Águeda OpenTripPlanner” was developed in the context of the promotion of walking and cycling.  New smart ticketing systems were installed in Romania funded from Regional Operational Programme (PI 4)  while in Extremadura, a regional strategy for the development of interoperable electric mobility systems with a total budget of 12 MEUR (4 MEUR ERDF) was designed. Project partners are particularly proud that interregional cooperation is working in all regions!

In a second part of the meeting project partners planned the next events (7th steering group meeting and Final dissemination conference)

6th Steering group meeting
Project partners gathered to review the completed and ongoing activities of the project, as well as to discuss the upcoming issues regarding financial management and communication strategy.