Project News

Policy brief - 2nd ELFM seminar in the EU Parliament


Why we need to develop a broad Dynamic Landfill Management strategy and vision...

Type: Project

OP Brandenburg: funding for landfills in 2000–2013


This presentation was held at the thematic event focused on financial aspects of...

Type: Project

Financing LfM projects through ERDF OP 2014-2020


This presentation was held at the thematic event in Nicosia (Cyprus) on...

Type: Project

OP Competitiveness and Sustainable development


This presentation was held at the thematic event focused on financial aspects of...

Type: Project

Financial Aspects of Waste Shipments in Cyprus


This presentation was held at the thematic event focused on financial aspects of...

Type: Project

The COCOON project was presented at ISWA 2018


COCOON partner Eddy Wille focused on the importance of exchange of knowledge and...

Type: Project

COCOON at the European Cooperation Day


COCOON was presented at the European Cooperation Day on 21 September 2018 in...

Type: Project

In the picture - Green Public Procurement in Cyprus


This presentation was held at the thematic event focused on financial aspects of...

Type: Project

Thematic event: financial aspects of LfM projects


The third thematic event focused on the financial aspects of landfill management...

Type: Project

Measurements inside the waste body


Timo Heimovaara (TU Delft) presented some research done to check that long term...

Type: Project

The development of leachate target values


Central question in this presentation is to determine when leachate is “clean...

Type: Project

What a waste


Jan Frank Mars (Rijkswaterstaat Soil+) shortly presented the FP7 project HOMBRE,...

Type: Project