Metropolitan City of Turin is organizing in collaboration with Biodonostia-Fomento San Sebastiàn an online seminar in which the best practice "Biodonostia" will be presented and discussed. 

The online seminar is organized in the framework of the Pilot Action of the ecoris3 project E-Health Territorial LAB designed with the purpose of promoting a shared reflection on the possible promotion of e-health for the local development and well-being. 

The seminar will be held on the

5th November 2020 from 10:00 to 12:30 CET

The best practice will be presented in original language (Spanish) and an Italian translation will be available. The discussion will be in English language.



Ice-breaking session (10.00 – 10.10)  

Welcome and brief presentation of Interreg Europe ecoRIS3 project and the related Pilot Action

Brief presentation of Biodonostia as an institution

First Thematic Block: Biodonostia ´s path (10.10 – 10.40)  

Historical evolution of the Institute (concept and legal framework)

Enabling resources and methodology: skills, approaches, operative team



Second thematic block: Biodonostia´s collaboration with the ecosystem (10.40 – 11.40)

Biodonostia´s role/position in the health ecosystem of the city

Biodonostia’s interactions and collaboration models with the environment and the ecosystem (Triple Helix):

- Public Administration

- Research and Academia

- Business ecosystem (SMEs and start-ups)


Third Thematic Block: Biodonostia 2.0 (11.40 – 12.10)

Strategy and future challenges

Main lessons learnt: advices for a smart and effective replication of the model in a different country



Conclusions: (12.10 – 12.30) Final remarks and closing

Registration are available at: