Metropolitan City of Turin will rely on Consorzio TOP-IX for the technical implementation of the Pilot Action eHealth Territorial LAB - Local ecosystem as an instrument to scale up innovative local start-ups in eHealth topic.

TOP-IX (TOrino Piemonte Internet eXchange) is a non-profit consortium founded in 2002 with the aim of creating and managing an Internet Exchange (IX) for the exchange of Internet traffic in North-West Italy. Furthermore, TOP-IX promotes and supports, through the Development Program (DP), technological and business innovation projects based on the broadband Internet. The two actions act synergistically to promote the growth of the territory.

As technical partner of MCT, Consorzio TOP-IX will carry out the activities allowing to monitor the health and physiological parameters of self-sufficient elderly people in order to expand the ability to identify situations of fragility as well as to detect possible degeneration of health conditions at an early stage. The activities should lead to the creation of a database that monitors the health status of the elderly population residing in Val Cenischia, within the territory of MCT.

Thanks to the interregional cooperation with Fomento San Sebastian and Biodonostia, we will draw their expertise in order to transfer it in the local ecosystem. In this respect, on the 5th November 2020 TOP-IX Consortium along with MCT will hold the Workshop “Biodonostia’s Knowledge Transfer” where FSS’s best practice, Biodonostia, will share its path with our local stakeholders.