The City of Turin establishes a project platform, called Torino Social Impact, aimed at promoting the Turin metropolitan eco-system of social innovation, social entrepreneurship and social impact finance.
Torino Social Impact (TSI) originate from the program “Torino Social Innovation”, shaped in 2012, aimed to support enterprises to respond to emerging social needs through an entrepreneurial support path and financial support.
In November 2017 over 50 organisations signed the Torino Social Impact Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to endorse the entrepreneurship and impact investment ecosystem through a tool (the project platform) where to find both solutions for emerging social problems and technological/financial resources for new social entrepreneurship. TSI stakeholders’ have worked debating on 5 main topics:
- Challenges and tools for social innovation;
- Collective actions;
- Engagement and capacity building;
- Civic technologies;
- Finance and impact assessment.
Image: 2017 - Stakeholders signed the Torino Social Impact Memorandum of Understanding At the ToolBox headquarters in Turin.
An inclusive and articulated process will define an Action Plan to turn Turin Social Impact objectives and topics into actions along with the stakeholders involved.
Despite TSI haven’t achieved any measurable results yet, the project platform is designed to enables the ecosystem where every stakeholder is a responsible player of the actions implemented, using its own resources and competencies for the territory that can become increasingly attractive for the enterprises. Therefore, TSI is an innovation process appropriate to be replied in other regions:
- promoting the growth of the culture of the social impact and the consolidation of scientific communities founded on the openness paradigm;
- setting up a widespread and coordinated network of “listening points” to find social and sustainable projects to be accelerated in a way attractive for investors;
- offering a regional permanent observatory of the evolution of enterprises with social impact, investors with social impact and policies supporting social innovation;
- promoting the region at European level as a privileged ecosystem for growth and establishment of enterprises technologically oriented and with social impact, as well as for the social finance and investments;
- connecting to the most important impact investing funds opportunities and networks at national and international level.
For Further information on Tornio Social Impact please see:
Contact Person is Dott. Fabrizio Barbiero E-mail: [email protected]