With a budget of €9.2 million, 14% more than 2017, San Sebastián’s Municipality, through the Donostia UP plan! 2018 re-implements a battery of measures to be applied in the medium and long term as part of a strategy that revolves around the concepts of human capital, business competitiveness and territorial cohesion. The plan continues with its commitment for the attraction and retention of talent and the impulse of innovation, and assumes as its own two other concepts: quality of employment and equality.

The Mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián, EnekoGoia, pointed out that "although our city has the lowest rate of unemployment among Basque capitals, the goal has to be more ambitious. We have to continue establishing the conditions to consolidate the creation of employment, and in order to do so, the impulse to training and entrepreneurship are undoubtedly the only way ".Goia has also remarked that the promotion plans driven in the framework of the Donostia UP! seek "to give new opportunities and consolidate growth with the aim of consolidating our city as a job creation environment with a qualified labour market". 

The Deputy Mayor, Ernesto Gasco, emphasized that "The Donostia UP Plan! 2018 is once again the instrument to consolidate the sustainable economic growth of the city. This year we combine measures that respond to short-term strategies such as employment and cohesion, as well as others with a future projection such as the smart city or talent and innovation. On the other hand, this year's Plan significantly increases the transversal component oriented towards gender equality and quality in employment” 

The new Plan proposes three key areas of intervention in the city: 

  • PEOPLE, as the basis of any society, which must be supported for their development and incorporation into the labour world, enhancing talent and promoting social cohesion.
  • COMPANIES, as a key instrument for generating employment and socio-economic development, with a special focus on those with the highest added value and which are committed to innovation
  • TERRITORY: understood as the neighbourhoods, infrastructures, spaces and equipment that make up the environment in which the activity of companies and people is deployed and on which to develop SMART projects.

Image: Presentation of the Donosti UP Plan, at Palacio de Miramar, April 27th.

 For Further information on Donostia UP! please contact Xabier Hualde Amunarriz by e-mail on [email protected]