After several months working on the proposals for the future programming of European Territorial Cooperation, the networks composing “Cities for Cooperation Platform” (C4C) gathered in Bilbao on June 13th 2018.

The representatives of Medcities, Iberian Cities and Atlantic Cities made an analysis about the future shape of the network, building on the past experience of the extinct CECICN, and decided that C4C must continue as a collaboration platform between entities. As a first step, the platform will focus on these two objectives:

- Interlocution with the European institutions

- Reflection and analysis on areas of interest of the four organizations

In this context, CAAC presented the ECORIS3 project as a good practice that may be extended to the members of the other three networks. The C4C platform is currently doing a close follow-up of the proposals for the new regulations of Structural funds and thus the project results concerning instruments and thematic objectives such as innovation will feed the analysis.