Gathered in San Sebastian for their General Assembly 2018, city members of the network of Atlantic Cities decided that for their next annual meeting the agglomeration of Le Cotentin (182,000 inhabitants, 132 local entities) will be the host. As the capital city of this intercommunality is Cherbourg, it will also be the venue.

As San Sebastian is the leader of the Project, the moment was perfect to submit the request to host the event that will include a key meeting of ECORIS3 project. The proposal was presented to a round table composed of Isabelle Thomas, member of the European Parliament, Albert Bore, vice-president of the Committtee of the Regions, Iker Goiria, director for International Relations of Gipuzkoa (San Sebastian’s province) and José Maria Costa, president of the Atlantic Cities and leader of the Portuguese delegation in the Committee of the Regions.

Represented by François Dutertre, Economy Director for the Agglomeration, Cotentin presented its proposal based in several axes:

- The policies of Cotentin addressed to innovation, both in technologies and sea matters

- The international vocation of this new local entity

- The keen interest in the ECORIS3 project and its results

So the Atlantic Cities will convene with ECORIS3 partners and the network members of the Cities for Cooperation platform (Medcities, Iberian Cities, Adriatic and Ionian Cities and Atlantic Cities) in a crucial moment to influence through ECORIS3 results the future of Structural funds, as the current programming period will end in 2020.