On June 14th and 15th 2018 the network of Atlantic Cities gathered in San Sebastian (city leading the ECORIS3 project) for their General Assembly. Two documents were approved: the Final Declaration and the new San Sebastian Charter. Among other analysis currently in place, the Final Declaration was inspired by ECORIS3 results, and therefore this policy document states the importance of:

1. the scenario of a cohesion policy for all the Regions of Europe,

2. the pooling of EU investments around five major thematic objectives (instead of 11 for 2014-2020),

3. support for the development of local development strategies and sustainable urban development (at least 6% of the ERDF),

4. the effort to simplify administrative rules

Moreover, the cities of the Atlantic Arc specify and invite the European institutions to consider also that the research and innovation potential of their territories, especially in the maritime and digital fields, economic and social transitions, ecological and energy transitions to operate, are at the heart of the development of jobs and skills of tomorrow.