On the 25th and 26th of March the event Voglia d’impresa took place in the Environment Park of Turin. These two days were fully dedicated to the entrepreneurship. Voglia d’impresa is organized by the Piedmont Region and the Metropolitan City of Turin as part of the Regional Program MIP - Mettersi in Proprio (Start up your own business), a support service for enterprise creation completely free of charge, thanks to EU funds (European Social Fund – ESF) as well as national and regional funds. 

Image: Opening speech of Mario Lupo, director of the Economical Development Department of the Metropolitan City of Turin, on the second day of the event 

During the event, the best enterprises born in the metropolitan area thanks to this service were awarded in different categories: 

  • Best Gourmet Enterprise (in collaboration with the EU project V.A.L.E.) 
  • Best Enterprise giving life to the territory (in collaboration with the LAGs)
  • Best Women’s Enterprise
  • Best Freelancer
  • Best Youth Enterprise
  • Best Enterprise with a social purpose
  • Special mention for the most promising business/self-employment idea

Image: Moments during the awarding of the best enterprises of the territory born thanks to the MIP service

The rich agenda of the event was completed with testimonials from successful entrepreneurs, round table discussions and thematic sessions with experts, policymakers and entrepreneurs. 

In the framework of supporting enterprises and economical development, the ecoRIS3 project was presented during the welcome speech of the thematic session “Startup Policy” by Dimitri De Vita, councillor of Città Metropolitana di Torino.

Image: Dimitri de Vita, councillor of Città Metropolitana di Torino and Luca Carabetta, Honorable member of the Chamber of Deputies during the thematic session “Startup Policy” 

During the event there were several stands of the award-wining enterprises presenting themselves and a “Diagnostic area” for individual consultations by appointment with experts of the MIP service.

Image: During the sessions breaks the public had the opportunity to get to know closer the award-winning MIP enterprises.

In order to promote the European projects addressing the empowerment of the local and regional entrepreneurship ecosystem, a stand was prepared with promotional and communication material of the main Interreg projects of which the Metropolitan City of Turin is a partner. In particular, the participants had the possibility to get to know the ecoRis3 project, in the framework of which the MIP service is presented as a Good Practice due to its success in spreading the entrepreneurship culture, stimulating new business ideas and fostering the establishment of successful enterprises. 

Image: The communication material of the Interreg projects presented at Voglia d’impresa

Image: The stand dedicated to the presentation of the Interreg projects 

For further information on the event visit the dedicated section on the MIP website: https://www.mettersinproprio.it/2019/03/04/vogliadimpresa/