The ecoRIS3 project was represented by Claudia Fassero from the Metropolitan City of Torino at the Panel discussion: Smart Specialisation Strategies in a local context that took place in Bologna on the 17th of May 2019.

Image: Communication brochures of the ecoRIS3 and the agenda of the Panel discussion Smart Specialisation Strategies in a local context: an opportunity for knowledge exchange

The event was organized within the framework of mutual long-term visits “RIS3 in a Metropolitan context” of the RELOS3 project, hosted by the Metropolitan City of Bologna from the 14th to the 18th of May. The RELOS3 Interreg Europe project focuses on implementing regional Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) in a local context by actively involving local authorities, innovation actors and companies. 

The event was a unique opportunity to discover the innovative aspects of the economic and industrial excellence of the territory with a dense agenda of interesting encounters and opportunities for knowledge exchange. While these days were mainly reserved to the RELOS3 project parnters, the Panel Discussion taking place on the 17th was a public session aiming to deepen the knowledge on RIS3 in the European, national and regional areas and to exchange experience through the attendance of representatives of other projects that explore the implementation of the Smart Specialisation (RIS3) in regional and local areas.

Speakers in this panel discussion were the following:

• Roberto Righetti - Art-ER, Research on Innovative Companies 

• Elisa Gerussi – JRC – EC Territorial Development Unit

• Claudia Fassero – Metropolitan City of Turin, ecoRIS3 project

• Giulia Lazzeri – Arrezzo Innovation, Trinno project

• Mihaela Mircea – Enea, VEG-GAP project (LIFE)

A project summery of the ecoRIS3, alongside its objectives and key activities, was presented by Claudia Fassero, aswell as a short introduction of the policy instrument that the project addresses in the Metropolitan City of Turin case. The speech was followed by a discussion showing the interest and the point of view of the participants. 

Image: Moments during the sessions of the event

For further information on the RELOS3 project visit The news section contains information on the Bologna event.