The 6th edition of the Innovation Week, organized by the Department of Economic Development of Fomento de San Sebastian, will be launched between the 26th and the 31st of October 2019, with more than 35 activities aimed at citizens, businesses and educational centres´ participation.

The challenge is to raise awareness of the importance of Innovation for all the city´s stakeholders, with a special emphasis on citizens. This year will start with a weekend full of activities for families including monologues, talks on cybersecurity for families, Design workshops for families or a gymkhana on sustainable development.

Participation in the weekend activities, most of which will take place in the city centre, is free of charge, with prior registration on the Fomento de San Sebastián website. 

Throughout the Innovation Week, outstanding events will take place, such as the Donostia Innovation Challenge that will take place in the Kursaal with the participation of around 400 schoolchildren from the city, the DonostiaINN awards ceremony for innovative companies in the city or the screening of the film Apollo 11, among others.

The WeekINN is organised in collaboration with technology and research centres in the city, universities, educational centres and companies, as well as with other entities linked to cinema, photography, gastronomy, science or sport.  

The weekINN includes also an array of activities also to increase science visibility such as: 

- WOMANTEK SPACE An exhibition that proposes a route to recognise successful women in science and technologists who have made centuries of contributions in different science disciplines, as well as highlighting and putting in value women working in science now a days.  

- Absurd Matter is both a show and an educational science communication activity for all of the public to learn about scientific concepts through experimentation and play.

The weekINN is a good practice shared among ecoRIS3 partners as good example of Public Sector initiative to orchestrate ecosystems innovation and Smart Specialisation. In fact, Donostia weekINN offers a space of visibility, training, testing and information around this public policy and commitment to innovation in Donostia. This initiative has proven as key to fostering vocations, providing practical information to young people about the current market, generating curiosity, fostering innovative projects and companies, etc. 

In this current edition, 3 events will be specially associated to ecoRIS3:   

- DonostiaINN Innovative Company Awards (Wednesday 30). These prizes recognise Donostia companies committed to innovation, and it aimes to bring business and public initiatives together to achieve socio-economic development of the city. 

- Junior Enterprises: An Opportunity for Entrepreneurship (Tuesday 29). In cooperation with Basque Federation of Junior companies, will offer a fruitful forum to exchange ideas among companies created by young entrepreneurs.  

- Gastronomy and Innovation (Tuesday 29). In cooperation with the Guipuzkoa Hostelry Association. This session with explore Innovation and gastronomic success that surpasses simple recipes, production processes or chefs' creativity, and reaches areas such as communication and storytelling; the generation of spaces and environments or the leadership and motivation of teams. 

The full 2019 weekINN programme is available at: 

For Further information on weekINN or contact, Xabier Hualde by e-mail on [email protected]