Co-creating Digital Transformation is the title and the theme of the INTERREG EUROPE “ERUDITE” final conference which will be held in Dijon, France on June 4 2019. Project partners, European, national and regional experts will discuss and present the solutions and strategies developed through the project and together examine the key issue of whether this transformation will be achieved through cooperation or competition between rural and metropolitan Europe.

On June 5 partners and stakeholders will have the opportunity to participate at two different study visits about digital innovation and start ups and rural digital and redevelopment hubs. The first study visit will take place in the morning at the at the Technical University of Belfort Monbéliard (UTBM) in the city of Sevenans. The focus will be on digital innovation, start ups and patnership. UTBM has created the ‘Innovation Crunch Lab of the Technical University of Belfort Monbéliard’ which is a one-stop shop to facilitate access to the skills and resources of the UTBM for all audiences, from large companies to citizens. Web site:

The second study visit will take place in the afternoon at the municipality of Ronchamps. The program foresees the visit to ‘Filature 2.0’ ( This old factory in the 19th century was a spinning mill and in the 2000s was renewed and dedicated to co-working, relaxation, fablab, junior workshop, digital transition, high speed broadband, photos/videos studio, 3D scanner, video conference, confidential office or open space, training, workshops, open innovation, e-hub. This place id dedicated to everyone, general public and enterprises.

The 3rd day - June 6 - will be entirely dedicated to the Smart Villages thematic working group meeting, organized in Lormes with the European Network for Rural Development.

Download here the final agenda: