Project News

Revitalisation of Jirásek square in Pilsen


The City of Pilsen is revitalising the Jirásek square in the context of its EURE...

Type: Project

Alba Iulia:Recommendations for CE projects in cities


The Alba Iulia Municipality and Research Institute IRCEM are developing...

Type: Project

Integrated Territorial Investments in Pilsen


The City of Pilsen tells us more about actions to increase the number of...

Type: Project

Recupero Solidale - a citizen zero waste initiative


ASEV supported Empoli to scale up Recupero Solidale, from a small citizen group...

Type: Project

EURE follow up in Brittany, France


The Atlantic Cities association reports about their monitoring activity in...

Type: Project

Integrated Territorial Investments in Lubelskie


Integrated Territorial Investments – how medium and small towns in Lubelskie...

Type: Project

Green public spaces in Riga


The City of Riga is developing green public spaces in Riga Old Town and smart...

Type: Project

Urban Park in Nicosia


As part of its EURE Action Plan, ANEL proposes the Urban Park of Palourokampos,...

Type: Project

Actions implemented in Alba Iulia


Alba Iulia is telling us more about its implementation of the EURE Action Plan.

Type: Project

Actions implemented by ANEL in Cyprus


ANEL tells us more about establishing green infrastructure as part of its EURE...

Type: Project

Actions implemented by the City of Riga


City of Riga tells us more about the development of public open spaces in the...

Type: Project

Actions implemented in Tuscany, Italy


The Empolesa Valdese Development Agency ASEV tells us more about new Urban...

Type: Project