The 6th Steering Committee (SC) meeting of EURE project took place on the 22nd of April 2021. The project partners met – once again virtually – to discuss the current status of the project’s activities and to exchange opinions on the upcoming activities for the months ahead. Despite travel restrictions and limited possibilities for physical meetings, the motivation and the ambitions are kept high.

The team of Lubelskie Voivodeship has been acknowledged for successful organization of the conference entitled “The Future of Urban Policy”. The event was very successful, and the team did a great job being the first partner organizing online thematic seminar and online study visit within EURE project. Moreover, it has been highlighted that the videos produced for the purpose of the study visit were approved by the INTERREG EUROPE Joint Secretariat (JS) so they could be used as an example for the rest of the partners for forthcoming online events.

All partners presented their individual situation highlighting the activities implemented since the beginning of the Semester. Regarding state of play of deliverables in progress, it was concluded that the goals foreseen for the third reporting period had been accomplished with a short delay in finalization of the Opinion Report as a sole exception. Almost all partners have finished their Regional Reports. The Joint Report (JR) had been finalized and published. Although the Opinion Report (OR) is still under finalization, its structure, the main messages as well as envisaged dynamic of dissemination have been approved by the SC. The LP suggested sending the Executive Summary of the JR to the European institutions together with the OR.

Regarding the Action Plans, the Project Coordinator highlighted that the actions proposed must result from the experience exchange done within the project and the corresponding learning process, and presented some recommendations for the Action Plan development.  The meeting was also a chance to discuss various management and coordination issues as well as to recall communication targets for the on-going semester. The partners agreed to continue with the same approach in the forthcoming semester: to make use of available digital tools to keep contacts with stakeholders, to organise virtual meetings, to provide regular updates and to keep intensive local and regional exchange dynamic.

It was confirmed that, according to the approved calendar, the next study visit and thematic seminar is to be organized by P6 – Pilsen in June 2021 as an on-line event (due to the pandemic restrictions).