One month after their translation into Spanish and Portuguese, the Executive Summary of the EURE Joint Report and the EURE Opinion Report are now available in Polish!
"Zwiększenie udziału małych, średnich i peryferyjnych miast w określaniu Europejskiej Polityki Miejskiej"
Polish readers can now enjoy reading the EURE Opinion Report on the position and role of the small, medium and peripheral cities in the priorities of urban policies in their language. This report reflects on how to improve their presence in the definition of the European Urban Policy and their participation in funds allocated by the future equivalent Article 7 of the ERDF Regulation to urban policies to ensure that its priorities also answer their needs. Polish speakers can now read its 10 recommendations in their language!
Read the report in Polish here.
"Dla lepszej i zrównoważonej jakości życia w miastach Europejskich"
The Executive Summary of the EURE Joint report is now available in a third language thanks to its translation into Polish.
The report provides an overview of the reasons why the EU is, and should continue intervening in urban areas as well as how urban areas actors perceive the EU intervention. The report contains important information on the state of art in the EU in 10 key areas and provides 55 best practices examples to illustrate the analysis and showcase success stories in Europe in different thematic, including 10 good practices of ITI – Integrated Territorial Investments – concerning Sustainable Urban Development.
Read the executive summary in Polish here.
More translations in more languages are arriving so... Stay tuned!