On 5 November 2019, the Tuscany Region (Italy), as Managing Authority of the ERDF, organised an important event with the purpose to give a clear picture of the Urban Innovative Projects (PIU).
The Tuscany Region has for some time now focused its actions on developing policies of urban regeneration through a series of provisions within its own regulatory body. In particular, it has introduced into its own territorial governance law measures to encourage the rationalization of the existing building heritage and to promote and facilitate the regeneration of deprived areas.
“Tuscany Region has undertaken to promote urban regeneration by means of co-financing sustainable urban development actions, investing financial resources of over €46 million, the equivalent to 6% of the total budget of the ROP ERDF 2014-2020. During the Regional presidency mandate, the Urban Axis of the ROP ERDF has been implemented, with a territorial strategy unique among all the regions. Having identified the eligible territories through specific selection criteria described in the “Urban Axis Territorial Strategy”, 42 Municipal Authorities within urban areas characterised by conditions of socio-economic hardship and critical environmental issues greater than the regional average were invited to submit their project ideas through an expression of interest. In 2015, at the end of this process, eight Urban Innovation Projects were selected that tackle the economic, environmental and social challenges with integrated and synergic actions. Subsequently, the opportunity was created to support a further ninth project.” explained Vincenzo Ceccarelli, Regional Councillor for Infrastructure, Mobility, Urban planning and Housing policies.
During the conference, the nine PIUs have been presented and analysed. The EURE partner, ASEV, participated as promoter of one of these projects in the Municipality of Empoli. The HOPE project helped to redevelop Empoli’s old town centre, with the objective of promoting new urban centres within which to converge a plurality of complementary functions devoted to different areas, to be adopted as opportunities for developing the territory.
The main objectives of the project are:
- Reducing social hardship in the field of social-health services through the restoration of buildings and areas to be allocated to social functions;
- Creating an integrated system of services to support innovation and the socio-economic development of the territory;
- Creating the functional and smart connection of the open public spaces related to the areas of action;
- Promoting forms of social aggregation in order to improve the integration of the most marginalised and vulnerable categories of Empoli society.
On January, the EURE partners will have the opportunity to visit the HOPE project during the third project meeting.
Follow the link to know more about all the other Urban Innovative Projects.