The Aarhus Local Stakeholder Group is composed of experts from the municipality, Aarhus Senior Council, the University of Aarhus and the Test and Development Centre of Assisted Living Technology in Viborg.

In November all stakeholders were presented with the 7 good practices collected by the EU_SHAFE from the seven European ecosystems participating in the project within the Social Participation Domain.

Due to the current pandemic that humpers the possibility of F2f meetings, the Aarhus stakeholders have been contacted by email and asked to complete a questionnaire regarding the assessment and possible scalability of the 7 practices. Several of the stakeholders were then contacted directly to further comment on specific practices that relate to their individual fields of interest and expertise.

The “online relationship” established with the local stakeholders made it possible to collect detailed and valuable feedback on the good practices, despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 global crisis. Relevant indications have been gathered on the applicability and implementability of the practices within the Danish context, giving information on their relevance for the organisations represented by the Aarhus’s group of local stakeholders.