The 4th meeting of the Local Action Group, Ireland took place on the 10th December 2020 by Zoom. The stakeholders represented were, Louth County Council, TU Dublin, Louth Age Friendly Alliance, Louth Age Friendly Co-ordinator, Age Friendly Ireland Regional Manager and the EU_SHAFE Project (Ireland) Co-ordinator and researcher.

The aim of the meeting was to focus on the Good Practices presented under the EU_SHAFE Project for Domain 2 – Social Participation. Prior to the meeting a summary of the Good Practices along with a copy of the survey questions was sent out to participants.

The meeting began with a warm welcome from Joan Martin, Chair of the LAG. Following this Grainne Cumiskey, EU_SHAFE Project Co-ordinator, Louth County Council, presented the Good Practices from Domain 2 – Social Participation. Each project was discussed fully with the survey questions in mind. Particular focus was paid to how transferrable the Good Practices were to Ireland and the similarity to projects already in operation in Louth.

It was agreed that the EU_SHAFE Project Co-ordinator would upload the answers to the survey representing the views of the stakeholders. The meeting then concluded.