Over the month of February 2021, members of the EU_SHAFE project team participated to the first work package meetings of Working Group 4 of the COST action NET4AGE-FRIENDLY.

Like the EU_SHAFE project, the NET4AGE-FRIENDLY COST action is a member of the SHAFE project family. This large network from the EU and beyond includes over 160 participants from over 45 countries. The main activity of the action is the "establishment of new local or regional ecosystems or by expanding existing ones in each European COST country involved, to work on health and wellbeing in an age-friendly digital world". This activity will be undertaken according to 5 cross-cutting thematic interdisciplinary working groups each including the eight domains of the WHO Age-friendly Environments concept.

The NET4AGE-FRIENDLY themes, all aligned with the WHO age-friendly principles, are declined into the following working groups’ activities:

WG 1 - User-centred inclusive design of age-friendly environments and communities

WG 2 - Integrated health and well-being pathways

WG 3 - Digital solutions and large-scale sustainable implementation

WG 4 - SHAFE impact and sustainability: policy development, funding forecasts and cost-benefit evaluations

WG 5 - Reference Framework

To date, representatives of six partners of the EU_SHAFE project have joined the COST action’s consortium including Sonja Hansen of Aarhus, who is approved National CM of the Network and member of the WP 2, 3 and 4 and Matteo Zallio from TU Dublin, who is a co-lead for WP5.