Last December 17, 2020, Caritas Coimbra held the 3rd stakeholders meeting. This time, the online meeting focused on the Social participation domain. Thus, the Portuguese project partner presented six good practices that had been shared by the other project partners of EU-SHAFE.

Representatives of the LAG took place attended the meeting: Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDRC), University of Coimbra – Faculty of Medicine/Sport, Engineering Council, other local councils and NGOs.

The stakeholders pointed out that the majority of these good practices are being financed by public entities, whereas in Portugal this work is done by non-profit organizations with low financial capacity. All of the stakeholders showed interest in making a difference in the lives of older people, especially tackling loneliness by creating networks and increasing their activities, validating knowledge and experiences, and promoting volunteering between their peers. 

At the end of the meeting, stakeholders were invited to fill in a questionnaire, where they could further express their opinion on this domain.

This was a good opportunity to share these good practices and deliver the synergies that will allow the project’s goals to be achieved.