The 6th meeting of the Local Action Group, Ireland took place on the 31st May 2021 by Zoom to evaluate the Good Practices in Domain 3 – Communications and Information in advance of the next Intense of Sharing of Good Practices meeting in Slovenia.



Prior to the meeting a summary of all of the Good Practices along with a copy of the survey questions was sent out to participants. The EU_SHAFE Co-ordinator presented each Good Practice in turn using the slides provided by each partner. There was a lively and engaging discussion on the pros and cons of each project including cost, differences in regional structures and how transferrable each Good Practice is.

Overall, the stakeholders group showed a positive interest in all of the projects and while it was agreed that some were less likely to be replicable in Louth all of the Good Practices had elements which were inspiring to the group. Given the strong volunteer structures in Louth , the group were drawn to those Good Practices which also contained a strong volunteer element.