The EU_SHAFE Danish Partner Center for Assisted Living Technology held the first stakeholder meeting on the 5th of November. The aim of the meeting was to get input for the assessment report and to identify local good practices in the area of Smart Healthy Age-friendly Environments that could be scaled up to the other regions participating to the project.

The Danish stakeholder group has a wide representation and 13 members. The first meeting of the group has been dedicated to work with the SWOT analysis of the Municipality of Aarhus and a brainstorm of good practices.

The stakeholders attending the meeting have actively participated to the discussion and gave valuable input for the regional assessment report. The basis for the SWOT analysis has been created and a list of ideas of good practices to be selected has been finalised.

Result of the SWOT-analysis

The diversity of the group has been highly appreciated because it contributed with different perspectives, insights and opinions animating the discussion during the working session. The group is looking forward to the upcoming meetings.