Hosted by the Regional Council of the Campania Region, Unit for the Promotion and Strengthening of "Health's Innovation" Programs, one of the regional partners of the EU_SHAFE project and EIP on AHA Reference Site, the workshop has been aimed at identifying synergistic elements capable of enhancing the complementarity between the EU cofounded projects and their alignment and positive impact on the regional health system policies and services.

The thematic workshop aroused a lively and fruitful discussion between the representatives of the ProMIS@Campania network on the topics of demographic change, frailty, continuity of care, environments favourable to health, digital and smart solutions in support to health and social care and the need for multilevel and multisectoral policy instruments.

In addition to the Interreg Europe EU_SHAFE, the other EU cofounded projects presented at the workshop, that showed great potentials for synergic work as well as for positively inspiring and contributing to the regional health and social policies, have been the H2020 eCare and the Health Programme Vigour.  

EU_SHAFE, presented by Natalia Allegretti, senior international projects managers at ECHAlliance, responsible for the project’s dissemination and communication activities, outlined to the workshop’s attendees the benefits of the interregional cooperation to identify, transfer and scale up good practices between different territories for the growth of community-based services targeting the “ageing at home” needs around Europe.  

During the presentation, focus has been also dedicated to the importance of an effective and targeted communication and dissemination actions to promote awareness creation, key stakeholders’ engagement and collaboration to secure concrete opportunities for projects’ results sustainability, transferability and implementation at international, regional and local levels.

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