CMO STAMM has gathered a stakeholder group from local industry, entrepreneurs, employer organizations, academia and regional development actors who all gathered to discuss the regions’ participation in FEMINA, actions taken so far and the next steps.
At the Hanzehogeschool institute for engineering , only 21 % of the registrations are female. They are mainly centered around the Communication and Multimedia design and only a few graduate. Experiences indicate that students are often not well-enough informed about the possibilities in technology when choosing what to study in higher education. Ensuring that girls see the possibilities in technology and that this is also a profession that women choose is seen as an important step in attracting, recruiting, engaging and retaining women in STEM-fields.
Other practices discussed were the company WITEC which have developed a way of testing whether people have skills that are well-adapted to working in the technology industry. CNO-NCW are currently working to increase the share of women in boards.
Increasing awareness and perception is seen as a pivotal step forward to make more women see STEM-fields as attractive career paths and spreading knowledge about the FEMINA project in networks across the region is a way of ensuring this.