In March, the 4th FEMINA convention was planned to take place in Santander, Spain, but due to the Covid-19 it had to be canceled. This has led to an increase in virtual activity. The virtual convention which took place on the 19th of March, allowed partners to present and receive feedback on their Dream Action Plans. In this virtual convention, we unfortunately were unable to host the one-on-one meetings between Good Practice owners and the project partners. Moving ahead we are now working to change this.
On Friday the 17th of April, we presented the good practice Trainee South. During this one-hour-long webinar, Trainee South was presented by manager Anna Gunningberg. Partners and participating stakeholders were able to ask questions to help contextualize the Good Practice. The webinar was very useful for partners considering to include Trainee South in their Action Plans.
This format has become very popular in these trying times. With more people working from home, perhaps juggling more responsibilities than just work, squeezing in an hour to get input on what their working on might be refreshing. In general, providing more inspirational one-hour-webinars might prove a good and time-efficient alternative to spending days at conferences or as a good supplement now that the format is becoming more familiar.
Moving forward, we will try to arrange more webinars in this form aiming especially to facilitate a meeting ground between partners and owners of Good Practices, but also other topics that might be relevant.