On May 26th FEMINA partner Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency participated in a webinar by Elite Business Women to discuss how to highlight women in the international economic environment.

Elite Business Women, which is also a Stakeholder and a Good Practice in the FEMINA project, invited a range of speakers such as Madiha Raslan (President of Women Leaders Council of Lebanon), Andreea Groendijk-Deveau (Co-founder/VP of Communications at KindLink), Arshi Ayub Mohamed Zaveri (Senior Advisor Royal Family Office, UAE), Marina Rogato (Sustainability Advisory & Professor | Head of Delegation Women20 Italy (G20) | Tedx Speaker), and Bianca Tudor (Founder & CEO Elite Business Women + WBAF Senator)

The webinar is a good example of how the turn to digital solutions helps to keep us connected and working together as we face the COVID-19 pandemic.