The meetings started with SODERCAN briefly presenting a summary from the FEMINA first convention in Arezzo (Italy) in September 2018 using the “Understanding Barriers and Enablers Input Template”.
The participants worked on a questionnaire as a tool to work through the barriers and enablers, to validate them and to determine whether it’s a horizontal or vertical barrier. The capacity and ability of Femina to solve the questions asked and barriers identified were also discussed.
Participants explored available information and literature on the topic. It was brought up that the University of Cantabria and the General Directorate of Universities of the Government of Cantabria has an ongoing project regarding women’s access to higher education and the historical evolution on equality since the 8th of March 1910. Another participant brings attention to two relevant programs, namely “PAME”, which aims to support women in business initiatives through all stages, and “Labor Eso”, which is directed at secondary school students to the working environment for two weeks.