During a beautiful Autumnal September, Cycling Holiday and Tour Company, Saddle Skedaddle hosted journalist Richard Rothwell and family to test out the Vie Romea Francigena, a European long distance cycle route from Canterbury to Rome, Italy.  The route follows the ancient pilgrim trail from Canterbury to Rome first taken in the early middle ages by Canterbury Archbishop Sigeric who made the pilgrimage to Rome following the Via Francigena to receive his pallium (a special vestment from the Pope as a symbol of his jurisdiction as Archbishop) around 990 AD and contemporary records of this journey still exist.  Medieval travel would have been arduous and dangerous.

A much more pleasant adventure was in store for family Rothwell who took their young son on the Kent leg of the cycle.  With an excellent base in Canterbury Hotel, they discovered the quiet pleasures of the Kent countryside by cycle , taking in seaside sunset fish and chips, medieval villages, country fairs and the impressive Dover Castle. 

Read the blog below for a great modern day family trip on a very ancient route.
