Introducing Our Walk Partners

As snow settles on the North Downs may now is the perfect time to turn our thoughts to the Spring when the bluebells and daffodils will be in full bloom. In advance of the full walk programme being made available we’re very happy to announce a days “Pre Pilgrimage” hosted by the British Pilgrimage Trust. A gentle 6 miles in and around Winchester where Pilgrims would gather to start on the journey to the shrine of Thomas a Beckett at Canterbury Cathedral.

A gentle introduction to the ‘day-before-you-go’ traditions of pilgrimage in Winchester – including hidden holy wells, the wayfarers’ dole, walking an ancient labyrinth, beautiful water-meadows and a mighty river, a wooded hillfort, the site where King Alfred the Great was buried, many small but distinct ancient Churches, and of course Winchester Cathedral itself.

For full details and bookings

With 15 walks planned throughout the spring and early summer here are some of the people and organisations we’ve teamed up with. Full details and bookings to follow shortly.