The technical meeting with the ERDF ROP 2014 -2020 Managing Authority will interest the Molise Region 'offices involved in Interreg Europe projects and will be useful to examine the issues of projects funded.

The meeting will cover the following topics:

- Discussion about ROP ERDF 2014 -2020 policy instrument actions.

- HERICOAST best practices .

- Discussion about Action Plan .

The meeting starts at 10.30 a.m.

The meeting has been attended by representatives of Molise Region department affected by HERICOAST project activities, by representatives of the Managing Authority of Molise Region of ERDF fund and by representatives of Chamber of Commerce of Molise. A total number of 16 people attended the meeting.

After the greetings, Mr Gaspare Tocci, Director of the Molise Region Development Policies Office, opens the workshop, providing a brief overview of the Interreg Europe Projects in which Molise Region is involved as Partner.

  The Project Manager Adolfo Fabrizio Colagiovanni introduces the HERICOAST project to the participants, mentioning the reference partnership and the best practices selected on the territory and abroad with a focus on management of the cultural and natural heritage of the coastal landscape. 

The discussion began about these following topics:

- ROP ERDF 2014 -2020 policy instrument actions identified to be influenced by the instruments.

- Best practices identified by HERICOAST Project Partners (How to use it in order to affect the policy instrument).

- Action plan: main actions and connection with HERICOAST best practices.

The discussion and the main conclusions has been focused on the ERDF objectives 5.2.1 and 5.1.1. of Priority axis 5 "environment, tourism and culture", 6c sub priority: to improve the preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage in areas of strategic relevance by enhancing systemic and integrated resources and territorial jurisdictions. The main objective of this policy instrument is to promote a process of development for the protection and enhancement of natural and cultural areas of Molise Region coastal landscape, in particular to balance the exploitation and the protection of natural and cultural heritage of the area.

The actions and the funding of ERDF, limited to the previously identified objectives and priority, are territorialized: main actors of the instrument are local urban areas identified by Molise Region. In our case, the Municipality of Termoli is the main responsible of the only urban area on the Molise Region coast. So, in order to influence the policy instrument dedicated, the next meeting will involve the participation of the urban area, in order to show them the action plan of HERICOAST project and to plan together with them it’s implementation.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Tocci thank everybody for attendance at the event and for the contribution provided.

The workshop ends at 13.00 a.m.