17 participants attended the 2nd stakeholders meeting in Valladolid last March to identify good practices and succesful experiences carried out on the Castilla Waterway to be shared in the next interregional event which will take place here, in Castilla and Leon next May.
The participants were the representatives of the Regional Ministry for Culture and Tourism in Valladolid and Palencia, the Duero river Hydrographic Confederation, the provincial Government of Palencia, the City Council of Medina de Rioseco, Frómista and Paredes de Nava, as well as, the Associations SIRGA, ADECO-Canal de Castilla, the Wineroute of Cigales and the University of Valladolid
- The 1st part of the meeting was dedicated to explain the activities which were sorted out in 2016, such as identification of the stakeholders, the territorial analysis, as well as the dissemination of the activities.
- In the 2nd part of the meeting the stakeholders were very participatory and enthusiastic, more than five good practices were provided and linked to this succesful experiences, it has been decided to visit Medina de Rioseco, Frómista and Herrera de Pisuerga in the field visit in the next interregional event.