HERICOAST partnership is based on six different European coastal and fluvial regions, one University and a NGO.
Despite the obvious differences between the regional context of the partners’ regions such as the rocky coast of Donegal, inland rivers in Castile and Léon and the Danube Delta all of the regions are seeking for innovative ways to improve the management of their coastal and fluvial heritage based on an extensive stakeholder involvement .
Through 2,5 year and 5 workshops and field visits, 2 Marinescape Forum Events, dissemination at several conferences and ongoing online dialogue the project partners and their stakeholders exchanged their knowledge about thematic fields such as high level policies, engagement with civil society, public-private partnerships etc. In this process, the regional partners and their stakeholders brought in examples of from their own territorial context and good practices.
The projects advisory partners facilitated the learning process and bringing in inspiring reflections from relevant academic fields such as heritage studies and tourism development and valuable knowledge about policy development and landscape management.
The value of the interregional heritage learning was evaluated by Dr. Linde Egberts from the advisory partner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
The experiences were summarised, analysed abd put into a broader theoretical context in her research paper on inclusive heritage policy and management in coastal landscapes across Europe.
In her paper Ms. Egberts summarized the project in the following way "The HERICOAST project was generally perceived as a successful project in its aim to make regional heritage policy development more inclusive, according to project participants. It seems as if the strictly prescribed INTERREG policy development process indeed led to more contact and exchange between regional authorities and stakeholders in their heritage policies".
Please, study her full analysis at