On 6 September, we collaborated with Jan Evangelista Purkyně University and the Innovation Centre of the Ústí nad Labem Region (ICUK) to conduct the second focus group in the Czech Republic.

The hybrid meeting of regional stakeholders led by UJEP discussed the measures from previous workshops and the draft regional action plan for the D-Care project, followed by a session on the HoCare project led by Vojtěch Jíra (DEX-IC).

During the presentation, the main idea of the original project and its extension were presented. The participants were introduced to the implementation of the follow-up activities of the extended project and received information on project activities related not only to the preparation of the regional report.

The main aim was to present the outputs not only from the Czech regional report, but also to show interesting examples of good practice that facilitate the daily life of caring persons.

During the presentation, it was possible to describe the current situation of research and innovation in the field of home care and the reasons for renewing the project partnership established in the original project to describe the impact of the COVID pandemic on home care.