Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic hosted the second meeting of the members of the Czech regional multi-stakeholder group of the project HoCare on 4th December 2017. The representatives of business, research, public and health/social (services providers) sphere got together in premises of the ministry in order to discuss project identified good practices, thematic studies developed and initial plans for the local action plan developments to boost development of innovations in home care area.
The meeting was organised by DEX Innovation Centre within the project HoCare, which aims to boost creation of new innovative solutions in the area of home care by strengthening cooperation of actors in regional innovation chains with the use of the approach based on quadruple-helix model.
At the beginning, Michal Štefan on behalf of DEX Innovation Centre introduced results and findíngs of Regional analysis in the Czech Republic and 3 Joint Thematic studies.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade presented the changes in Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness that were defined in the framework of the HoCare project:
- adjustments of binary indicators in programs : Innovation, Potential, Collaboration, Proof of Concept, and Applications for projects that have a demonstrably positive or neutral impact on human health, support a healthy life cycle or quality of life or contribute to reducing healthcare costs.
- adjustments to the evaluation criteria for all programs (each specific) based on the assessment of the impact on human health.
Following discussion showed limits and possibilities in home care and led to the suggestions for improvement that could be realized in the framework of European Structural Funds.
Additional suggestion for creating common technological platform with living lab involving engaged selected public actor got a common agreement and support from the Ministry.