Working visit in Slovenia : Disscusing innovations in health and telemedicine services
Representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus and NICOSIA Development Agency (ANEL) were on a working visit in Slovenia. They were acquainted with the health and telemedicine services developed by Telekom Slovenia and the possibilities of transferring them to their country. The visit was part of phase two of HoCare (Delivery of Innovative solutions for Home Care by strengthening quadruple-helix cooperation in regional innovation chains) project.
Representative of NICOSIA Development Agency (ANEL) at Telekom Slovenia.
During the visit, a round table with representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia, the University Clinical Centre Ljubljana and representatives of municipalities was held, where participants discussed the effects and the need for introducing health and telemedicine services at national level.
European countries are actively involved in the identification and exchange of good practices in the field of health care and telemedicine in the search for solutions to effective, efficient and accessible healthcare and care that enables older people, people with disabilities and chronic patients to be more secure and independent in their home environment.
The experts at the round table agree that these services should be accessible to all citizens and should not be dealt with only within the framework of health or social institutions. Information and communication technologies should be used more efficiently in Slovene healthcare, in order to increase specialist connectivity and offer a wholesome diagnostic and treatment services to patients.
The greatest effect on healthcare, in their opinion, is achieved when telemedicine is combined with e-care. Experts at the round table pointed out that incorporating health and telemedicine services into different existing health systems in order to ensure their sustainability is a challenging task. The cost effective benefits of health and telemedicine services for national health funds were pointed out by all experts as were the problems and shortcomings of the Long-Term Care Act.
The event on health and telemedicine services was held in Ljubljana and was organised in cooperation between Telekom Slovenia, Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia, and NICOSIA Development Agency (ANEL).
Representative of Telekom Slovenia Peter Pustatičnik
Demonstration of innovative solutions in health care