Evropský dům in Prague hosted the first meeting of the members of the Czech regional multi-stakeholder group of the project HoCare on 2nd December 2016. The representatives of business, research, public and health/social (services providers) sphere got together in one place, in order to discuss the current issues and obstacles in the field of development of innovations in home care area.
The meeting was organised by DEX Innovation Centre within the project HoCare, which aims to boost creation of new innovative solutions in the area of home care by strengthening cooperation of actors in regional innovation chains with the use of the approach based on quadruple-helix model.
At the beginning, Michal Štefan on behalf of DEX Innovation Centre introduced not only the main aims of the project but also its planned activities. This project will work actively not only with the Czech actors of innovative regional chains in the area of home care, but also with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which is the governing body of OP (Operational Programme) PIK, which is the main programme for the support of research and development of innovations in the Czech Republic (specifically priority axis 1).
The first regional analysis outputs were introduced at the end of the meeting. This analysis reviews the current state of the support of development of innovations in the area of home care within so called quadruple-helix model. The final version of analysis is supposed to be finalised with the involvement of all participants at the end of January 2017. How else to close this meeting than with a vivid discussion – that happened among participants on the topic of current issues and obstacles in the field of development of innovations in the area of home care.
DEX Innovation Centre would like to thank all participants:
Jan Lorman - Život 90, Milan Cabrnoch - České národní fórum pro E-health / Centrum zdravotně sociálních studií vysoké školy Cevro Institut, Jiří Schlanger - Národní centrum sociálních inovací, Peter Breyl - Ness Technologies, Daniela Kandilaki a Peter Pažitný - Healthcare Consulting & Research Centre, Václav Tůma - Research Centre, Judita Kinkorová - Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň, Zdeněk Gutter - Národní telemedicínské centrum, Eva Žáčková - Západočeská univerzita v Plzni - Nové technologie - výzkumné centrum, Vít Janovský - ČVUT - UCEEB - personalizovaná medicína / Clevertech / fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství, Tomáš Vácha - ČVUT - UCEEB - personalizovaná medicína, Olga Štěpánková - ČVUT - fakulta elektrotechnická - skupina biomedicínské elektroniky a Adam Pajgrt - Institut plánování a rozvoje hlavního města Prahy.
DEX Innovation Centre is currently working on the final version of regional analysis including good practise projects financed in this area.