The first meeting of the members of the Hungarian regional multi-stakeholder group took place in Budapest on 14th November 2016. The representatives of business (MediKlaszter, MATTIP and Association of Medical Devices Manufacturers), research (University of Szeged, University of Pécs and Budapest University of Technology and Economics), public (NHSC, Ministry for National Economy, National Health Insurance Fund and National Institute for Health Development) and users (Hungarian Hospital Association) got together in one place, in order to discuss the current issues and obstacles in the field of development of innovations in home care area and collect GPs regarding generation of innovation by addressing unmet needs identified by formal and informal providers of health care.
The meeting was organized by the National Healthcare Service Centre within the project HoCare, which aims to boost creation of new innovative solutions in the area of home care by strengthening cooperation of actors in regional innovation chains with the use of the approach based on quadruple-helix model.