From 14th to 16th of November 2017, took place the 6th Interregional Learning Workshop in Valladolid.

As it is usual, the host of the event, Universities and Higher Education Foundation of Castilla y León (FUESCyL), organized a study visit, which took place on the first day, 14th of November, with special focus on the support structures for the knowledge transfer from the University of Valladolid (UVA) within the framework of the TCUE Plan, the addressed policy measure of Castilla y León within InnoBridge.

The study visit started on the Museum of the Valladolid University, where the TCUE Plan (University-Business Knowledge Transfer) was presented, as well as its relevance for the knowledge transfer between UVA and private economy. Patents generated within TCUE belong to the university and are usually filed in Spain and Europe, sometimes in the US, dealing with agrofood, e-health, materials and telecommunication.

Also took place presentations of notable case studies of commercialization of research results, created by students/PHDs from the Valladolid University, and powered by the TCUE Plan.

Followed a visit to the Science Park of UVA (PCUVA), whose structure was founded in 2007 by the University of Valladolid, the Regional Government of Castilla y León, the City Council of Valladolid, the Chamber of Commerce and the Santander Bank.

This structure comprises an Incubator and a Business Center where innovative companies and starts-up collaborate with the UVA. The Science Park offers science technology services and entrepreneurship services; the latter ones are offered under the umbrella of the TCUE Plan. It is also possible to develop prototypes in the laboratories of the Science Park.