In March 2018, Hans-Christian Jäger (IDEUM), external expert of the InnoBridge project, participated on behalf of the Lead Partner Lower Austria in a workshop on the 4th call of Interreg Europe in Straubing/Bavaria, organised by the Interreg Europe Contact Point for Bavaria.

Well known for their well-managed and successful Interreg Europe projects, the Government of Lower Austria as Lead Partner of InnoBridge was invited to the Straubing workshop, in order to share the experiences in developing the successful InnoBridge project application with the about 40 workshop participants.

Beside the general introduction of the InnoBridge project, Hans-Christian Jäger focused on the success factors as well as the timeframe and effort for a successful Interreg Europe application. In the discussion session, workshop participants were particularly interested in the way of interlinking Interreg Europe projects with partners’ strategic/day-to-day activities and in the sustainable benefits of Interreg Europe projects for Lower Austria.