On February 10, 2021, the European Union’s funded HubIT project organised its Final e-Conference LABOURTECH 2021 - Industry 4.0 technologies and its impact on the labour market. The objective of the event was to discuss and understand the consequences of future technologies in our labour market, with special attention to the role of responsible innovation and the perspectives from organisations, employees and the society.
Technological advances can bring many benefits for our society with significant impact in the way we communicate, work and live. These advances had led us to the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0, where technologies, such as large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M), the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and automation have disrupted the labour market, making us more efficient, more productive and more cost-efficient. But, would these advances make us more dispensable? Would they increase the control over employees’ performance? How will they affect the decision-making process of an organisation?
In LABOURTECH 2021, a look was given into the positive and negative impacts of future technologies in the labour market, and the role of responsible innovation in the Industry 4.0. comprising HubIT’s know-how and results acquired by the project during the last 30 months.
For this purpose and in order to ensure a fruitful and insightful discussion, the conference brought together renowned speakers with different expertise. Representative of the INNO PROVEMENT project participated in the panel discussion in which project results and good practices from the INNO PROVEMENT partnership have been presented to the online audience.
At the below link you can watch the conference recording:
HubIT is a European project funded under Horizon 2020 programme, which objective is to build a Hub that activates and improves constructive and co-creative interactions between the Social Science & Humanities (SSH) and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), towards developing and implementing a shared vision of inclusive ICT research and innovation. www.hubit-project.eu
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