InnovaSUMP project has joined the EU platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
which aims to support the transition towards competitive and resource-efficient mobility systems in European cities by:
- Supporting the further development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) concept and the tools required for its successful application by local planning authorities;
- Providing this Mobility Plans portal to disseminate relevant information, publications and tools;
- Facilitating the co-ordination and co-operation across the different EU-supported actions through a Co-ordinating Group;
- Offering opportunities for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and contacts through an annual SUMP conference, events, training courses and social media.
The Co-ordinating Group brings together representatives from relevant on-going EU-supported actions to:
- Exchange information and lessons learnt;
- Identify and exploit synergies;
- Agree on common views to inform the further development of the SUMP concept and tools; and
- Assist in the co-ordination of outward presentation of the various initiatives.
The Co-ordinating Group (CG) meets twice a year in Brussel at the premises of DG MOVE.
The technical coordinator of InnovaSUMP project participated in the CG meeting on 25 and 26 March 2019 at DG MOVE and presented the scope and approach of the project.