While INTHERWASTE is a project exploring the possibilities of improving waste prevention and management in Heritage Cities, another European Union funded project is doing the same but for touristic cities and regions.

URBAN-WASTE, a Horizon 2020 funded project which started in June 2016, is looking at tourist cities across Europe where figures show that some of these cities have to cope with a residing population that reaches from two to ten times their number of permanent population during the high tourism season.

The consortium of 28 URBAN-WASTE partners will take on this challenge and develop eco-innovative and gender-sensitive waste prevention and management strategies in cities with high levels of tourism activities in order to reduce the urban waste production and improve municipal waste management. The project is currently in its research and knowledge database build-up phase and waste managers, workers in the tourism sector, as well as tourists are very much invited to contribute by filling in one of the surveys on this page.

Apart from researching how tourism activities together with many other factors and issues can influence the cities’ metabolism, the project will also deliver a set of ICT tools, namely the WasteApp mobile application and gather key stakeholders along the tourism and waste value chain around Communities and Practice. 11 pilot cities and regions will be on the frontline of the project, implementing the developed tools and strategies: Tenerife, Tuscany region, Kavala, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur, Nicosia, Ponta Delgada, Santander, Syracuse and Dubrovnik-Neretva County.