Raising awareness of the population and local stakeholders is an essential part of waste and resource management strategies.
The European Week for Waste Reduction is the biggest awareness raising campaign on waste prevention in Europe. It encourages a wide range of audiences to get involved and to implement awareness raising actions about sustainable resource and waste management during the last week of November. These actions can take different forms, such as comprehensive campaigns for the general public to reduce single-use items or creative reuse activities in schools to involve children.
Since its first edition in 2009, more than 73,800 EWWR actions have been organised, including in the partner cities of the INTHERWASTE project. The next edition of the EWWR will take place from 18 to 26 November 2017. You can already start thinking about your action on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
On 18 May 2017, the EWWR will hold its annual Awards Ceremony in Barcelona to reward the most outstanding actions that took place during the last edition. Further information is available here.
Finally, in June 2017, the financing of the LIFE+ programme will come to an end, but the EWWR will continue! Both public and private actors are invited to be part of the new EWWR Steering Committee. If you are interested in shaping the future of the EWWR, you can read the concrete strategy here and get in touch with the EWWR Secretariat at [email protected].
More information: www.ewwr.eu