Over the past few years, sustainability has become a mega trend and gained significant traction among decision-makers in industry and politics. With the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global community has set out a number of important targets to help us achieve a more sustainable world over the next few decades. And while the SDGs are focussed around 17 specific areas, only a holistic and system-oriented approach will enable us to truly advance on each of these goals.

During the Life Cycle Innovation Conference (LCIC 2020), it will take a systems perspective when discussing sustainable innovation. It will look at both, innovative approaches and methods to address sustainability challenges as well as innovative products and services that will help us transition towards a more sustainable world.

On Friday 28 August at 15.45, Fritz Balkau and Jolanta Dvarioniene from Kaunas University of Technology, will present the LCA4Regions project through the Fostering Regional Sustainable Development through Life Cycle Approaches session.

You can join the 3 day event by register here!