A thematic workshop brought to you by the Policy Learning Platform on SME competitiveness

On invitation only - limited seats

For the first meeting of the thematic community of managing authorities working on SMEs competitiveness and more especially on internationalisation, we would like to bring you together to discuss the latest developments in the field, as well as to hold a brainstorm on what joint action could be beneficial for European stakeholders working on these issues and to engage you into planning and preparing the first collaborative activities.

The workshop will gather Interreg Europe project partners, Managing Authorities/Intermediate Bodies, platforms and the EC who are active in the following fields:

  • Novel approaches, practices and policies
  • Funding opportunities and existing instruments for supporting SME internationalisation
  • Regional networks and clusters
  • Exploration of opportunities for future cooperation

Visit the event report and watch a video from the event.

Image credits: Photo by fauxels via Pexels